[] Bilik Menulisku: My Sweet Class

Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

My Sweet Class

This is another story about 52 Weeks of Gratitude, about 'Things I have overcome' :) 

It started on April 2015, when one class was too overloaded, and had to be split out. Half of the class was told to move out, to make a paralel CV 1 class. About 10 students then walked to room 108 with confused-dunno what to do-face. I was after them to reach the class.

My CV-1 Class
Clockwise : Mira, me, Melinda, Masha, Ziar, Sisca, Citra,
Sitting : Regina, Gendy, Aldi (Aidin is not in this pic)

As always, the beginning of a new class is a little awkward. There were only 10 of us, including me as the teacher. The student was kinda ‘taken from the comfort zone’, because they had to leave their old class and friends –this what made our introduction session was even more difficult. They were a bit affraid, I can tell from their hair –not eyes-, which went straight up without a bent. Haha!

On the other side, I was too, very nervous. That was my first Conversation Class, and my first college-student students! I had no idea wether their English was better than me, because nowadays, students learn English more that we did back then, right? I was positive that they watched more films than me, listened to music –from various genre- more often than me, etc, so they learnt a whole lot more then me! Fortunatelly, with 4 girls and 5 boys who liked to laugh a lot, we successfully broke the ice. In only 10 minutes, we knew we were going to have the most wonderful class-to be J

My EL-2 Class
Radhinal, Joshua, Maulana, Lisa, Yuli, Sesi, me

We had wonderful times together, learning as much as playing. We had ‘Kuda Bisik’, ‘Tell-what-to do-cards’, ‘Find your Soulmate’, and many other games happily. We learnt ‘Giving Directions’, ‘Giving Personal Information’, etc with all the grammar and tenses, with loads of fun. We had amazing ‘chit and chat’ with Masha, the Native Speaker guess, who opened our eyes to the beauty of Russia. The students were too amazed by her look, oops, by her country, that they wanted to ask her to have Bakso Cuanki on jalan Serayu -but somehow they did not do it.  Oh, we also enjoyed our movie time together, with silent tears and relieved feeling at the end. The film –I forgot the title- inspired us to be a better person with class act and golden heart.

On July, our little class had to end. The students were prepared to take the promotion test. I still remember how worried they were about it, so I gave them more reviews to arm and comfort them. But, it turned out, they wondered more about their future class rather than the test. They asked me to stay with them and be their CV-2 teacher. I had to convince them that... I would be too bored for me to teach them again, then. Hahaha! Nope, just kidding, I gave them the understanding that they needed to meet new friends and teacher, in order to broaden their social skill and knowledge. Afraid less, learn and silaturahim more J

I also remember how I walked out the room for the last time. I was glad that I have conquered my fear well. Very well, indeed, because they said they wanted to sign a petition to have me as their teacher again. I was also a little bit blue, because I knew other classes would not be the same. But I did feel a lot of satisfaction, because I had done my job as well as I could, and I did it with love. I knew they loved me too...

Our Guess of the day : Maria Konstenko (Masha) from Russia

We did not have any goodbyes because we agreed that it was not a goodbye. It was more like a ‘see you again’ thing. A thing that we can catch up again some other time. A time when we think it would have already been quiet long, and we would tell about each other all about it when we see again.

I wish you all the very best of luck, my dear students. I hope all of our lessons were learnt well, and would be an advantage you might need in the future. So, I’ll see you, then. Take care. ‘Till we meet again!  

Live, Love, Learn,
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